Kommune & Offentlig sektor


Protect your children and visitors from mosquitoes

Preschool and school

Wonder if something beats the feeling of moving freely and playing with their friends outdoors? Fresh air and freedom of movement in nature are an important part of the lives of children attending preschool or school. Mosquitoes and midges are a growing problem in the UK today. The consequence is that in some cases it becomes unbearable for many children and adolescents to stay outdoors when extreme conditions prevail. Some also have sensitivities to mosquitoes and midges that make it difficult to be out during the summer season altogether. Putting out mosquito traps then helps to pull down the stock around the school or yard where the kids run freely.

Nowadays, there is a brilliant solution to this problem that really works. The trick is to rig the area around the preschool or school with one or more gnat or mosquito traps. In practice, there is really no limit to how large an area you can "eradicate". It's just a matter of planning a little and looking at the conditions that exist where the preschool or school is located.

Park areas and public attractions

Is there anything that beats a mosquito-free midsummer in a public park? However, a current fact is that many villages around the UK suffer from the growing problem of extreme mosquito and midge populations. To a greater extent, the negative consequence leads to inhibiting everything from nightlife to the tourism industry.

By exhibiting efficiently functioning mosquito traps, you succeed in getting "eradicate" mosquitoes and midges in and around kindergartens, schools, national parks and similar public environments.

Mosquito products for the municipality and the public sector

In order to appear as a genuine replacement, the machines also simulate human skin temperature of about 31°C. When the mosquitoes arrive at the heated mosquito traps that are out there, they look for a suitable place to land. Then, depending on which device the mosquitoes come to, they are either sucked up (and die from dehydration) or they get stuck on some kind of sticky paper outside the mosquito trap (Predator Dynamic or SkeeterVac 3501 with Rapid Action Sticky Paper).

Many times the mosquitoes insist on getting into the premises, through windows at windows or doors, or only at openings that exist so they manage to get into the rooms. This can be combated with our Door and Window Networks in the first place. Then it is even more effective to catch them with the help of indoor mosquito traps that catch and dry out the mosquitoes, the midge and other types of avian.

Products for kindergartens and schools

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