Consumables for your AMT 100 and AMT 64 such as Octanol and UV lamps.
Rapid Action Green 4 pack
Scent with lactic acid and octanol for Predator, Skeetervac, AMT200, AMT100, AMT50 and MegaCatch. More effective against knots than other scents.
702 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Rapid Action - Green Octenol
Scent with lactic acid and octanol for Predator, Skeetervac, AMT200, AMT100, AMT50 and MegaCatch. More effective against midges than other scents.
190 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Rapid Action Black Octenol
The standard scent that contains octanol for SkeeterVac and Predator but also fits AMT and MegaCatch.
190 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Rapid Action Red Octenol
Rapid Action red scent with octanol and lactic acid. Fits Predator Dynamic and SkeeterVac.
216 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Summer Consumption AMT100
Effective against mosquitoes and midges for your AMT 100. The package lasts for about 4 months.
852 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
AMT UV-lamp Black light
UV lamp Black light (fluorescent lamps) for AMT100 and AMT64.
160 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock